Encounter Global is our missions arm. This ministry provides financial support and material aid to countries oversees. It also supports other ministries and church plants.
Medical camp in the Phillipines
The medical camps reaches to the poorest of poor in remote and isolated places in the Phillipines. These medical camps are run by health professionals providing health care and basic medications and dental services to the most disadvantaged communities. Please watch the video below to see how these medical camps are run. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5x1v_HC9mI
Direct Relief via ACC International Relief to support Crises in Nepal.
The recent massive earthquake in Nepal has claimed thousands of lives and has left many families destitute and without basic amenities such as water, food and sanitation. Encounter has provided direct relief via the ACC International Relief to assist these families. https://www.acci.org.au
Support to incarcerated women.
Encounter is working presently with UnitingCare to provide women with basic essentials. http://www.lentarauc.org.au
Direct Relief to Burmese Flood victims.
Direct relief provided to the Burmese flood victims.
for the homeless in Melbourne and children working in brick kilns in Pakistan.